A Segment of Love Simon

My love life is like a Ferris wheel,
It is because, I am never able to hold up a particular moment of joy and happiness.
Sometimes being a Gemini is the reason that I feel,
But! Other times I see my love life as a mess.

I see myself as a person who is desperate,
And also, as a person who when is hooked up, is difficult to get separate.
I sense the struggle in me for sharing the feelings with my spouse,
I am neither scared to open the letters of pain nor I am a mouse.

The age is a factor which I do not consider in my relationship,
But before moving into a relationship, I believe in having a strong friendship.
I am aware of my sensitivity that I hold for my relationship,
Maybe it is because that I am scared of seeing another sinking ship!

My heart also acts really different in strange situations!
It is not good at stability and hence show variations.
My heart sinks like a ship in a deep sea,
Whenever my partner bends on their knee.

It is also good at breaking into fragments,
Especially when we both see a movie that has heartbreaking scenes in segments.
I doubt sometimes about whose fault it actually is,
Is it my eyes, my heart or my partner that I miss?

I am in love with the way,
Simon waits for his spouse on a Ferris wheel.
It makes my soul to stay,
For my perfect life partner to come and appeal my heart and not get it steal.

– Sheesh

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